Unlock Unforgettable Adventures
Discover Beyond Expectations!

Let Plan Your Dream Trip Together, Our Expert Can Craft  Unforgettable Experiences within Your Budget


At Allengeti Adventures, we have a team of experienced and dedicated guides who are committed to providing you with an unforgettable safari experience.

We believe in the importance of preserving nature and promoting responsible tourism, which is why we offer tailored safaris that allow you to explore Tanzania’s staggering natural and ethnic diversity without restriction.


“Africa is mystic; it is wild; it is a sweltering inferno; it is a photographer’s paradise, an escapist’s Utopia. It is what you will, and it withstands all interpretations.”

–  Beryl Markham

Why Us?

Our trips,
your choice.

A wide range of unforgettable adventures

15 years of experience

We’re Tanzanians, we know Tanzania


We are here to help you

A great reputation,
built on trust

Family-owned, family-run; we really care.

Passion and expertise,
not just knowledge

Our reservation team will help you design the perfect trip.

Allengeti Safari &

unforgettable experiences

Allengeti  adventures organize the perfect getway for your special event or occasion. We are at your service to create a truly unforgettable  experience, a lot bucket-list adventures to ultra-luxurious, value, value plus, middle range, camping.  Use the link below to find a family friendly vacations, romantic honeymoon packages, thrilling African safaris and affordable holidays.. All our itineraries are totally flexible and can be changed to suit you


A 160 pound leopard snatched a three-week old lion cub that had been left alone by its mother and climber a tree 


5 Days in Northern Tanzania Safari

Visit four of Tanzania’s best safari destinations on tour, each with their own unique twist! Ngorongoro 


7 Days Tanzania Wildlife Safari and Cultural Experience

Lion is the second-largest living big cat after the tiger. Males are unique among the cat


8 Days Tanzania Safari Special

In the wild, the adult black or white rhino has no predators except for humans. Rhinos are hunted and killed

Cultural Experience

With its cultural artefacts where you can experience real African life and enjoy the beautiful scenery of green mountains, wide plains and to dramatic Rift Valley. Cultural tourism refers to a form of tourism in which local people are closely involved.

Maasai Tribe
Maasai culture is centred around the belief that God (called Engai, or Enkai, in the tribe’s Maa language in tribe's Maa language) created cattle espicially for them, and they are the custodians of all the world's cattle.
Hadzabe Tribe
The Hadzabe, a hunter-gatherer tribe, live close to the shores of Lake Eyasi, as do the Nilotic-speaking Datoga

Mount Kilimanjaro


Roof of Africa

The name Kilimanjaro is a mystery and is thought to signify “Mountain of Light” or “Mountain of Greatness”. Nobody is very certain, yet what isn’t under question is that Mount Kilimanjaro at 5895 meters (19,336 feet) is the most noteworthy top on the African continent and tallest detached mountain on earth.

Without a doubt one of Africa’s most sublime sights ascending in awe-inspiring disengagement from the fields beneath

kili camp
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